Monday, January 2, 2012

Twiced Baked Potatoes & Scalloped Corn

Served as side dishes to our New Year's Day dinner of glazed ham.

For the Potatoes:

For NYE, I baked lots of russet potatoes, rubbed with truffle oil, sprinkled with kosher salt. For dinner the next day, I cut the remaining six potatoes in half (they were regular sized, not huge baking potatoes), scooped out the insides, and mixed in sour cream, cheddar cheese, scallions, flat leaf parsley, real bacon bits, 1/4 cup melted butter, and lots of black pepper. I baked them alongside the ham and scalloped corn.
For the corn:
One can of whole kernel, one can creamed, heavy cream, two eggs, crushed saltines, scallions, black pepper; more crushed saltines and butter on top.


  1. After reading and seeing the fabulous pictures I'm going to have to try :) Is truffle oil expensive? I've never had it and am guessing it is probably distinctive. Can you expound about baking times, etc.? I've never made either dish.

  2. The truffle oil is from Queen Creek Olive Mill, got it as a present for Christmas. You can find truffle oil in the grocery stores, some more expensive than others. You can cut it with regular olive oil.
    Baking times.... hmmmm, I forget to look at the clock. The potatoes basically just need to heat through, whereas the corn takes longer, more like a quiche. The hotter the oven, the shorter the cooking time. I'd say in a moderate (350) oven, maybe 45 minutes for the corn?
